Most eCommerce store owners are grappling with customer retention issues. This metric, when minimized, has a great impact on the growth of the business and thus is always made a priority like the Magento 2 back in stock notification. One of the contributing factors to customer loss is product out of stock. After all, what happens to potential customers when a particular product is not available on your site? Inevitably, they abandon it and go to the competitors having the available product.

As a business owner, it may be annoying to lose clients to other businesses because of something that can be managed, in your case, stock unavailability. So what is the solution to this?

Magento 2 offers quite a reasonable solution to this. Take Magento 2 Back in Stock Notification. This helps eCommerce retailers face the unavailability of a certain item rather than leaving it up in the air. Through the enablement of this option, Magento 2 gives users the option of subscribing to items that are out of stock, along with the provision of alerts when those items are once again available. Even more conveniently, users do not require a 3rd party extension to turn this function on: it is provided by Magento 2 by default.

In this article, we are going to explore the steps involved in enabling the Magento 2 back in stock notification feature on your online store. Also, we will discuss the importance of Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification in improving customer retention and satisfaction.

Steps to Set Up Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification

1. Show Products That Are Not Available

Go to the admin panel of your Magento 2 and click on the store’s icon, then pick configuration and finally catalog, followed by inventory. “YES” should be chosen in the stock options setup for display out of stock products.

Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification - display out of stock products

2. Enable Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification

From the Stores tab, open Configuration and proceed to Catalog, then select Catalog under Product Alerts, and enable the Back In Stock option.

Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification - Enable Back in Stock Notification

3. Create Email Sender and Template

Open Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration. On that page, find section titled ‘Create New Account Options’ it has two fields: Email Sender and Email Template, with an option to configure them too.

4. Frequency Setup For Sending Emails

Go to Stores > Configuration > Catalog. Select the Product Alerts Run Settings from the dropdown, choose the Frequency, and in line with when you would want to send the notification emails, set the Start Time.

Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification - Email Frequency configuration

5. Test Back In Stock Notification Magento 2

To test out Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification, visit any product page and click the ‘Notify Me’ button. Type your email address and then hit the Submit button. You should get a confirmation email stating that your subscription to the Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification is successful.

That’s it! Your Magento 2 store is now set up for sending Back In Stock Notification emails to its subscribers.

Benefits of Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification

1. Improved customer experience

Magento 2 back in stock notification prevents customers from continually checking to see if a product is in stock. Instead, they are notified whenever the item comes back into stock so as to improve their shopping experience.

2. Increased sales potential

When you alert interested clients straight away, this will help capture revenues that might have been lost to your competitors. Magento 2 back in stock notification serves as a bridge between the demand and supply gap, thus resulting in more conversions.

3. Superior inventory management insights

This will reveal which products are highly demanded, thereby enabling the store owners to make better decisions regarding inventory planning and replenishment.

4. Enhancement of customer loyalty

Notifications maintain connections with consumers, fostering loyalty. Proactive communication is valued by customers who desire alternatives from elsewhere less often.

5. Economical solution

Since   has already included it, there will be no additional costs or installation headaches associated with third-party extensions. This assists in making your store more functional in an affordable manner and increasing customer engagement.

Magento 2 Back in Stock Notification enables eCommerce retailers to stay ahead of their competition, enhance consumer satisfaction levels, and increase sales potentialities. We will now talk about how you can configure this service for your own online shop step by step.

Limitations of The Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification Default Feature 

As great as the Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification feature is for cutting customer losses resulting from out of stock, it is not perfect. 

One drawback of back in stock notification magento 2 is that guest users cannot subscribe to out-of-stock products. The only people who can do this are the ones who have registered on the Magento site.

The default feature of Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification does not allow shoppers to subscribe for child products in a group of bundled products.

So, what next? Well, there are many third-party Magento 2 extensions that provide workarounds. These extensions do much more than just deal with the above limitations; they come with additional complementary functionalities. You can either get the help of an experts or install them yourself.

For a Magento 2 back in stock notification extension for your store, consider checking out Amasty’s and Meetanshi’s Magento 2 back in stock notification extensions.


Lack of inventory, leading to loss of customers, is an annoying situation for shopkeepers. It increases the rate of bounce and also negatively affects your interaction with clients. In this regard, Magento 2 Back In Stock Notification is crucial in eCommerce.

eCommerce grows on competition. When consumers realize that they frequently have to deal with out-of-stock markets, they may lose confidence in a retailer and go shopping somewhere else. This leads to the decline of customer loyalty which impacts the long-term income of a retailer.

Magento 2 back in stock notifications are turned on, saving a sale but also providing a great possibility to talk to your customers as well as increase your subscriber base.

However, some vital elements are missing in the default feature available in Magento 2 Enterprise and Community Editions. At Hummingbird Web Solutions for Magento services, we advise you to choose a good Magento 2 back in stock notification third-party extension that suits your needs if you would like to make the most out of this feature.

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Do guest users get Back In Stock notification?

No, solely a user who has already logged in can subscribe to it with the default feature.

How do I test Back In Stock notifications?

Subscribe to an item that is not available at the moment of order placement, bring it back on sale, and see if the email is sent out.

What are the limitations of this feature?

It does not allow for subscriptions by children’s products or guest users; one can use extensions to overcome this challenge.